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Calimport, Questa sconosciuta città

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Posted on 31/10/2007, 13:25     Like  

Ciao a tutti. Cercando nel forum ho visto che mancavano informazioni riguardo alla città di Calimport. Quindi mi sono documentato e ho trovato queto testo, che però non è abbastanza esauriente, nel senso che manca un elenco dei principali tempi e monumenti... C'è qualcuno che mi aiuta ad avere una descrizione più accurata della città in questione? (Se qualcuno avesse anche la pazienza di tradurre in italiano questo testo gliene sarei grato...) Anche png importanti, a parte il Pasha che credo sia cambiato, da quello che viene detto nel nuovo manuale della 3.

Grazie in anticipo


Calimport è la più grande e vasta città in tutti gli Imperi delle Sabbie e non permette a nessuno per il momento di dimenticarlo.
Più grande di Athkatla, vasta e ricca come Waterdeep, Calimport ha una popolazione di oltre 2,000,000 abitanti umani e non umani di qualsiasi razza conosciuta. Inclusa in questo miscuglio di razze vi è anche la più grande comunità di halfling del Calimshan.
Calimport è situata alla foce del fiume Calim, e anche alla fine della grande Strada del Commercio che conduce a Waterdeep.
Calimport è un importante porto (potente come ci si può aspettare dal nome) e centro commerciale, dove si raduna bestiame dalle pianure centrali e pesce dal Mare Scintillante per esportarli come merci dall'interno della città e commerciarli con grano, cibo e altre necessità, ed oggetti esotici e d'intrattenimento provenienti da tutti i reami.
Calimport ha un appetito quasi insaziabile per l'inusuale, l'esotico e il bizzarro. Il quartiere del mercato di Calimport è un posto trafficato e caotico, con piccoli negozi inseriti all'interno di ogni vicolo nascosto, venditori ambulanti che urlano da finestrelle e mercanti che vendono dai loro carretti agli angoli delle strade.
Ogni cosa, dai gioielli all'ultima moda alla bigiotteria senza valore, dagli oggetti magici minori agli oggetti di alta qualità per specialisti sono disponibili. Molti venditori dall'occhio esperto sono interessati all'acquisto di oggetti, e nessun prezzo è mai bloccato; la contrattazione è una tradizione rispettata a Calimport, e molti mercanti affermati sono abili in quest'arte.
Calimport possiede anche un largo giro di affari con i manufatti, creando qualsiasi cosa, dalle armature ai carri da traino, dalle pentole agli abiti lussuosi fino agli oggetti magici. A Calimport quasi ogni oggetto immaginabile è prodotto da qualcuno.
Calimport è anche la casa di alcuni dei più grandi saggi e ricercatori di tutti i Reami Dimenticati. Nonostante non vi sia un singolo uomo che abbia le conoscenze e le risorse del famoso Elminster di Shadowdale, ci sono diversi uomini di cultura che si posizionano appena una tacca al di sotto di lui. E presi tutti assieme, il totale della conoscenza a Calimport è grande. Ci sono due delle più grandi biblioteche, informazioni su qualsiasi argomento, alcune di queste perse nelle ere e racchiuse in vari libri e tomi. Alcune di queste informazioni sono ancora smarrite, perchè le biblioteche sono così vaste che molti dei libri non sono mai stati letti (o aperti) per secoli.
Tuttavia, avendo il tempo e il permesso dei proprietari, quasi qualsiasi cosa può essere trovata con una ricerca diligente.
Sfortunatamente, il permesso è difficile da ottenere. I proprietari dei vari tomi vedono gli altri come dei rivali, non come dei custodi collaboratori della medesima branca di conoscenza, e rendono ogni ricerca estremamente complicata.

Il Visir del Calimshan è Punjor Djenispool, il più vecchio figlio di Pasha Rashid Djenispool. Il pasha considera un buon allenamento per il figlio essere il visir del Calimshan, e anche gli altri visir sono d'accordo. Punjor non è sempre in accordo col padre, e sta imparando tutto ciò che può il più velocemente possibile, consultando i consiglieri del padre e sviluppando un ristretto cerchio di suoi fidati consulenti.
Ci sono grandi aspettative tra le genti del Calimshan mentre pochi compiangono il regno Rashid, e questo è così ampiamente creduto che Punjor portebbe diventare uno dei più grandi sovrani che il Calimshan abbia mai visto.
Calimport è anche un grande centro religioso. Molti dei capi delle più importanti religioni abitano in città e vi sono anche alcuni dei più spettacolari templi di tutti i Reami dimenticati.
Tipica è la Piazza della Verità Divina (Plaza of Divine Truth), un vasto tempio riccamente decorato dedicato alla fede in Bhaelros (Talos). La costruzione è costituita da spesse mura di pietra, con corpi di guardia agli angoli e ai cancelli della struttura, così come lungo il perimetro al di fuori delle mura. L'esterno e l'interno della Piazza sono all'aria aperta (non c'è il tetto) e sono aperte a tutti. Le guardie del cancello interno fermano i visitatori armati pesantemente o sospetti, anche se le armi non sono specificatamente proibite all'interno delle Piazze.
Un'altro gruppo di guardie controlla la gente nel Cancello Intermedio. Spade e altre armi grandi vengono confiscate, anche se pugnali e altre piccole armi siano frequentemente lasciate passare. I turisti e i non residenti solitamente non passano il Cancello Intermedio senza fare una donazione a una delle guardie e l'entrata alla Piazza Centrale è dedicata alla preghiera, alla meditazione e alle piccole cerimonie. I sacrari ai due lati sono riservati ad eventi, gruppi di preghiera che si svolgono per cause specifiche, spesso a funerali, matrimoni, in special modo alla casta dei fedeli di Bhaelros.
I chierici che dirigono questi servizi entrano dal retro, per ridurre al minimo il contatto con i fedeli. Un grande muro appena all'interno del Cancello Interno garantisce che i visitatori non vedano il grande Idolo di Bhaelros alla fine della Piazza della Scelta. Il muro rende il cancello più facile da difendere, perchè gli attaccanti vengono schiacciati in due spazi angusti. I più sacri servizi compiuti in onore di Bhaelros sono svolti qui. Solo i chierici di questa religione, fedeli che anno dedicato anni di devozione, e i più grandi benefattori della chiesa si trovano in questa Piazza. Le guardie (che sono tutte chierici o chierici/guerrieri) hanno le loro abitazioni e sgabuzzini che guardano l'Idolo di Bhaelros, tenendo per se questo lato spettacolare della Piazza. La statua dedicata a Bhaelros è alta dieci metri, coperta in oro battuto e intarsiata con enormi e preziose gemme. L'intero tempio e in particolare la Piazza della Scelta e ricoperta dei migliori dipinti, arazzi, sculture e altre opere d'arte immaginabili. I seguaci di Bhaelros credono che il suo spirito risieda nell'idolo, così dimostrano nei confronti di questo oggetto tutto il rispetto possibile. Si crede anche che se il tempio venga profanato in qualsiasi modo, Bhaelros (accompagnato da un grande dragone che tiene incatenato a se) emergerebbe dalla statua cercando la propria vendetta.


Quartiere Commerciale - La strada commerciale entra nella città in questo quartiere. Quest'area è il vecchio quartiere mercantile e il punto primario di scambi.

Governatore: Faruk yn Rala el Peskarkhal, Sultano del Quartire del Commercio

Bajhit Sabban – (The Tent Sabban) – This Sabban is in the northern outskirts and is a disorganized cluster of tents and bazaars that surround the Malikhan Gates.

Points of Interest:

Sadufah’s Tannery – Guild of Skinners, Tanners, and Leatherworkers
The Sufontis Market – Warehousing Space for Rent and assorted businesses. A mall of sorts.
Ylar’s House – The order of Bricklayers and Brickmakers
The Twelve Ovens – Baker’s Guild
The Lumaldah – The order of offal-movers and dungsweepers

Larau Sabban – (Games Sabban, Arena Sabban) – This Sabban and those who live here are primarily involved in the arena games.

Points of Interest:

The Arena Sabam – An Arena
The Arena Efreetum – An Arena
The Golden Goblet – a Tavern and the original tavern of the Golden Sands Brewery
Trident’s Rest – The only non-Golden Sands Tavern in Calimport
The Arms House – Temple to Tempus

Sahar Sabban – (The Golden Sands Sabban) – Almost the entire population of this Sabban provide services directly related to and controlled by the vintner’s Distillers’ and Brewers Guild.

Points of Interest:

Stunned Barley Villa – Vintner’s, Distillers, and Brewers Guildhall
The Golden Sands Brewery – Very very large brewery serving brews all over the continent
The Chawal’s Bridle – Stables for the brewery deliveries
The Shanates’ Bounty – Grocer’s and Farmers Guildhall


Faiths Ward – Calimport’s oldest temples are within this ward.

Ward Ruler: Uarel yn Petal el Waukeen – Sultan of Faiths Ward

Bakkal Sabban – (High-Priests’ Sabban) – Numerous statues are featured throughout this Sabban. Both ancient and modern temples fill it.

Point of Interest:

The First Trader’s Drink – Meeting place for younger clergy and acolytes of Waukeen’s Faith
The Imperious Flame – Temple to Kossuth
The Measure House – Temple to Anachtyr Tyr
Minarets Guardant – Temple to Helm
The Fountain of the Qysars – A domed covered open air fountain surrounded by seven statues
The seven statues are the first seven shoon rulers of Calimshan and the Shoon Imperium:
Akkabar Shoon
Amahl III
Shoon I
Shoon II
Shoon III
Amahl IV
And Amahl V
Inscription reads: Trust not in Djinn. Trust not in the Bakkal. Trust not the Calephs.
All hope lies in the Shoon.

Erehnir Sabban – (The Statue Sabban) – This sabban has a wall lined with many inlaid statues of the priest kings.

Points of Interest:

The Counting House – HQ of the Guild of Money-Lenders, Coinsmiths, and Pawn-Brokers.
The Coinchapel – Temple to Waukeen
The Shining Tankard – A taproom and tavern where Lathanders faithful are found
Palace of the Murabirs – 4 three story buildings home to three senior officers of the Qysaghanm

Evyrtaan Sabban – (Fallen Grace Sabban, Dark Gods Sabban) – This sabban is the most dangerous sabban in the faiths ward. Dark gods and temples are found here. The people who visit this area are equally dark and insidious.

Points of Interest:

The House Khateera – Private Shrine to Iyachtu Xvim
Aurensahldah – Temple to Lliira and Chauntea.
The Towers of Fury – 4 Buildings. Temples to Auril, Malar, Talos, and Umberlee.


Armada Ward – (Port Ward) – This ward is home to the Nallojal Fleet and is filled with garrisons and armories.

Ward Ruler: Fahd yn Ralan el Pesarkhal, Sultan of Armada Ward and Sabbalad of Makista Sabban

Tavhir Sabban – (Hammock Sabban) – This is the barracks and armory for the syl-pash’s naval armada.

Points of Interest:

The Nallojal Billets – Navy Billets
The Sabbalad Bartoq – Armada Ward Rulers Villa
Druzir and Rysal Aban el Sirsi – Private Home
Pasha Tomouh – Private Home

Djenispool Sabban – (Wharf Sabban, The wharf) – This sabban is mostly just docks and the ship moored to them.

Point of Interest:

Pasha Mohandis – Private Home
The Wharf Amlakkhan – Naval Warehouse
Pasha Rabta – Private Home
The Harpoon Minaret – Guild of Fishermen, Whalers, and Undersea Hunters


Shackles Ward – This ward is at the western edge of the city in mostly a slave and slaver population.

Ward Ruler: Harun yn Ralan el Pesarkhal, Sultan of Shackles Ward
Primary Vizar: Kamal el Estarq

Astare Sabban - (Slaver Sabban, “the Flesh Market”) – the primary staging area for newly arrived slaves coming up for sale. One and two room hovels and tents litter this area where hundreds of slaves live.

Point of Interest:

The Fetters – HQ of the Slavemasters’ Circle
The House of Nine Blessings – Temple to Loviatar
Katars High – Taproom and Tavern. Cellar has entry to sewers
The Strong Arms – HQ of the Mighty Guild of Bouncers, Laborers, and Sellswords.
Amlakkhan Edijo – Heavily staffed slave billets

Edijo Sabban – (Penitent’s Sabban) – This sabban is the housing for the destitute, sick, and poor as well as a secondary staging area for slaves. On the edge of the city it is not generally visited by people other than those who call it home.

Points of Interest:

Roghiian Stables – Stables for warhorses
House of the Bound Hands – Temple to Ilmater
The Adhavensarai – This building and attached stalls are where slaves can buy food and clothing

Minqa Sabban – (Sadimmin Sabban) – being the westernmost area of this ward it is a military training grounds and garrisons. This outpost sabban is for raw recruits and aging soldiers to remind the slaves they will not be able to flee the city.

Points of Interest:

Amlakkhan Minqa – heavily staffed housing for slaves.
Dome of the Balak – Three Building villa reserved for Colonel in charge of training recruits
Garrison Katar – This garrison houses those recruits being trained to serve syl-pasha
Ninth Scimitar Garrison – A Garrison for troops
Giidaradah – House reserved for the Minqa Sabban’s second in command
Fourth Scimitar Garrison – A Garrison for troops

Qhibal Sabban – (Red Veil Sabban, Tall Tankards Sabban) This sabban is next to the Palace Ward and the ominous Pesarkhal Wall. It is the most prosperous and clean sabban in this ward.

Points of Interest:

The Beacon of Battle – Temple to Tempus.
El Muzzaddhishadah – Guild of Plumbers and Sewer Workers
El Niral – Private Home
Tatir the Slavemaster – Private Home


Emerald Ward – (Outer Ward)This ward is similar to the trades ward in that it is primarily mercantile business. What separates it from the lesser trades ward is that having a business here indicates your business is on the verge of reaching the upper crust of the lesser classes in the city.

Ward Ruler: Nasim yn Nasim el Pesarkhal, Sultan of the Emerald Ward

Axash Sabban – (Cloth Sabban, Sash Sabban) – This Sabban has many shops selling clothing from commoner outfits to more elaborate and expensive.

Places of Interest:

The Tower Sufontis – Boarding House
Capridah – Private Domicile for Khiber Makal el Wisynn (vampire)
The Dao’s Step – Cobbler’s Society Guildhall
Pasha Rasula’s Home
The Sultry Siren – Festhall under control of the Jhasinnar Sodality

Marekh Sabban – (The Great Bazaar Sabban, Black Sabban) – The great bazaar allows temporary bazaar stalls for 12 hour periods with the bulk of the stuff being sold is food stuff, common spices, and basic necessities.

Places of Interest:

Best Harps Hall – Innkeepers Society Guild
Pasha Yzhan’s Home
The Pearls – Private home of Female Pasha Vanda Volahrn
Pasha Bhinasal’s Home
Pasha Akhadar’s Home
Pasha Yekhol’s Home

Otahl Sabban – (Tumahl’s Sabban) – In the center of the largest bazaar in this area stands a statue of the Rogue Son of El Otahl.

Places of Interest:

Pasha Samarkhan’s Home
Seven Chalices Trading House – Kingly Order of Silversmiths Guild
Schamazharkh – Private home of Tulan el Galin, architect extraordinaire
The Halls of Fortune – Temple to Tymora
Pasha Baalaed’s Home
Pasha Sha’al’s Home
Pasha Awadabh’s Home


Khanduq Ward – (Outer Ward) – This ward is primarily Marketplaces and Khanduqs(Heavily Fortified Businesses)

Ward Ruler: Daud yn Daud el Vehmet, Sultan of Khanduq Ward

Kaval Sabban – (Tuamir’s Sabban, The Sabbazaar) – This Sabban is closed to all traffic after sundown. There are no living quarters and it is strictly a daylight business operations center.

Points of Interest:

Khanduq of the Coinmother – Temple to Waukeen
Taanith’s Khanduq –the Circle of Architects, Engineers, and Planners
The Treant’s Khanduq – Order of the Fine Wood Carver’s Guild

Naiid Sabban – (Pomartal’s Sabban) – This sabban is filled with taverns, inns, festhalls, and gambling establishments.

Points of Interest:

Miatarra – Spicemonger Fellowships Guild
The Minarets Muzhadahr – Temple to Cyric

Sholeh Sabban – (Felin’s Sabban) – This is residential sabban of this ward. Row houses are overcrowded with residents and a few larger villas as well.

Points of Interest:

The Spitting Camel Tavern
The Protector’s Tower – Empty Abandoned Tower
Pook’s Palace (AKA Pasha Pook’s) – Thieves Guild


Hammer Ward – This ward is the home of heavy laborers (blacksmiths, armorers, weaponers, etc.). This ward is filled with sounds of hammers banging and forge working.

Ward Ruler: Harel yn Rafam el Qardeen is the Sultan of Hammer Ward. He is a Neutral-Good human fighter this former blacksmith and inadvertent savior of Syl-Pasha Ralan el Pesarkhal. Harel simply interrupted an assassination attempt against Ralan during the Genie Talisha’s Revenge by throwing red-hot horseshoes and sword blades at the assassins simply because he disliked the odds of seven-against-one. A proud man you can still hear his hammer ringing out in the ward as he continues to forge materials and craft weapons. A leading member and former guild master in the Syrimatarah you will often find him in the evening sitting by the hearth putting back a few pints.

Amyran Sabban – (Hammer Sabban) – The rougher smithies and workshops of the common blacksmiths dominate this sabban.

Sabban Mark: A smith’s claw hammer.

Points of Interest:

The House of Five Rings – the Skilled Smiths and Metalworkers Guild. This house is predominately devoted to Kossuth - the Firelord. You can find shops all over Calimport with the wares forged in these flames and crafted on these anvils. This is the place where raw metal is forged into usable material for the creation of weapons and other metal military material. The Guild Master in the House of Five Rings is none other than Shafiq Sa'di Anass. A rotund dred-locked all businessman individual. You will never see him crack a smile.

Sjul Sabban – (Anvil Sabban) – This is the weaponsmiths sabban. In the True and skilled guild of weapon-makers fashion all weapons made here must meet minimum standards and each shop is only permitted to sell two types of weapons.

Sabban Mark: An anvil on a circular field.

Points of Interest:

Syrimatarah – True and Skilled Weapon-Makers’s Guild – This guild sells some of the best weapons in all of Calimport. The rooms upstairs are all locked and reserved for Mansoor Jabbel and distinguished Syrimatarah guild members. The first floor contains a separated weapons shop and lounge. Inside the lounge you can relax and discuss business over a pint of Calimport’s finest. Guild Master Mansoor Saiful Jabbel oversees the day to day shop workings in this guild house while Muhsin Ataullah serves up drinks in the weapons lounge.

The Dragon’s Maw Festhall – Atop this building is the statue of a dragon with its claws seemingly embedded into the roof. When you enter the front door, above the taproom floor extended from the ceiling are two dragon claws presumably from the statue mounting the structure of this festhall. The first floor is a place of relaxation and a place to discuss business. The rooms upstairs are reserved for those VIPs of the Dragon’s Maw owner however one room upstairs is available for private meetings. Firuz el yn Mirzamoon is the owner of this unique establishment. He is most definitely not native to the region as his skin is a pale blue color. He is assisted in his bartending duties by his wife Rasima Mirzamoon.

Tyrbos Sabban – (Ringing Step Sabban) – This sabban deals strictly with construction metalworkings. The bulk of the trade and work in this sabban produces metal grills and screens for windows, door hinges, portcullis gates, and some metal shingling that could grace domes and minarets across the city.

Sabban Mark: A chevron-shaped shield placed off-center and overlapping a dark circular field.

Points of Interest:

Shield Hall – Rigid Order of Armorers and Shield-Makers Guild – This guild sells some of the best armor and shields in all of Calimport. Guild Master Tarli yn Batras el Kaddam is colorful, happy individual who enjoys his position very much in Shield Hall.

Hammersring Hall – Metalforger’s Guild – All manner of metal is forged here. Mostly this place is for commercial usage and construction purposes. Hammersring Hall is run by Guild Master Aqil alla Irfan. A noble gentlemen of considerable talent.


Crypt Ward – (Outer Ward) – This ward is dominated by cemetaries, temples, khamarkhas, and markhouts. Often called the Dead Ward or the Skulls Ward by the people who frequent there this ward is a solemn final resting place for those in Calimport.

Ward Ruler: Muham yn Nasim el Pesarkhal, Sultan of Crypt Ward. A Neutral-Evil Human Rogue, Muham is the eldest son of the Syl-Pasha’s brother Nasim and the elder brother of Sultan Nasim yn Nasim el Pesarkhal, Sultan of the Emerald Ward. This jealous, petty underachiever was given this post to keep him away from the other power players in Calimport who might easily influence him against his uncles rule. He is a member of the Jhasinnar Sodality and believes Voraya of the Black Markets considers him her favorite which is, of course, not true. Sultan Muham can usually be found walking the Sabban walls and making sure all is well and orderly within his ward.

Adlel Sabban – (Khamarkha Sabban, Pasha’s Rest Sabban) – Many monuments ro the rich and power dead dominate this northern most section of the ward. There are numerous palm trees in this Sabban

Sabban Mark: A scimitar sinister over a cluster of three palm trees.

Points of Interest:

The Anhakhamarkha – Tomb in memory of Syl-Pasha Abon III el Larau and his wife, Anha. This opulent large white marble monument took 16 long years to construct. It towers over the crypt ward cemetery.

Nualorminoalh - Temple to Oghma – This large temple to Lord of knowledge contains a massive library and a good size chapel. The High Lore Master in the Nualorminoalh is Sa;di Gafar and his trusted assistant is Lady Scribe Amani Ala Lena.

The Sahalarka - Fellowship Nykkar – This building house the Undertaker’s Guild. The first floor is for customers and clients(corpses). The family of the deceased sometimes waits in the parlor while the undertaker and his assistance prepare the body. In the locked cellar there is a locked door that leads to a Rogue Temple to Kelemvor. In this temple is another locked door which leads into the muzad. This temple and the Temple of Old Night have special business ties.

The Khamarnari – Grand Vizar “Flickers” Samesaj’s Tomb. This tomb of fire is located in the cemetery next to the temple to Oghma. All day and night this tomb flickers with flames. Those people who attempt to go near the tomb suffer from a piercing flame. It is recommended that you stay clear and just pay your respects to Samesaj from afar.
Irataq Sabban – (Markhout Sabban, Manycats Sabban) – This place is filled with tombs that contain brass lamps filled the ashes of thousands of the dead.

Sabban Mark: a Cat’s Head.

Points of Interest:

Spectralhouse - Spectralhouse is located in the Crypt Ward along the far western wall. A remnant and last standing building from the many "cloak" societies this structure has a magnificient outer wall and gates guarding an ominous and yet quiet house within.

This particular house was used by the Graycloak society. A sort of repository of knowledge, this house contains a huge library filled with books of knowledge focusing on ghosts, spectres, and wraiths. With the downfall of the cloaks this lone surviving structure stands as a reminder that with great knowledge can come great power and failure to control that power can lend itself to manifest in many diabolical ways.

This home has been locked and secured by the Telamuzhidah - Temple to Mask located next door. It was secured because apparently Spectralhouse has become home to several abberations from the underdark below. Anyone wishing to enter spectralhouse must get a key to the front door from Shadow Master Na'im (the high priest in the Telamuzhidah).

Chathaodah – The Chathaodah is the Skilled Circle of Butchers and Dressers Guild. Headed by Guild Master Macellaio, the Butcher and his assistant, the very talented taxidermist Duzeri el Montaggio this guild distributes some of the finest and rarest of meats, pelts, and stuffed statues of creatures in Calimport. If you want to discuss differents cuts of meat, the best and most skilled way to dress your slain animals, or have questions about displaying your prized trophy kills look no further than the Chataodah in the Hammer Ward.

The Dawn Belltowers – Temple to Lathander – This temple is located in the South-East corner of the Crypt Ward and is one of two Temples to Lathander in Calimport. The other being the House of the Holy Dawn in the Jewel Ward. High Morn-Master Carseval yn el Rastif runs this temple.

Osiirdah – This is the Order of Hunters and Furriers Guild house. Basic hunting and clothing supplies can be bought from this establishment. The Osiirdah has one of the largest selections of traps for both offensive and defensive posturing in Calimport. Shakir Jambil Toberius is a big teddy bear of a gentlemen who will assist anyone in learning about trappings or hunting and will sell you only what you need and nothing more.

Kirruk Sabban – (Mutar Sabban, Forgotten Sabban) – metal spear fences dominate this sabban allowing free and unrestricted view of the tombs and monuments to the dead.

Sabban Mark: No Sabban Mark.

Points of Interest:

Telamuzhidah – Temple to Mask. This shadowy temple is neatly tucked between the gates to the Hammer Ward to the north and the gates to the Quill Ward to the south. Surrounded by a spiked fence this temple has both a side enterance and a main enterance. The one thing most visitors notice is the odd main entry door. This doorway is secured by spikes of shadow lightning. Within the temple are many shadowy presences. In the main hall you will find both Shadow Master Na’im and his assistant and lover Veteran Sister Macka. Shadow Master Na’im guards the enterance to the Spectralhouse next door by only giving keys to its doors to those who are willing to accept the challenges within Spectralhouse. Veteran Sister Macka offers a blessing to those devoted to the shadows.

Stables of Tobeah – Pack Camel Seller. This shop houses and sells camels for long distance caravan travel. These camels can carry heavy loads.

The Darkness Passing - Temple to Kelemvor – Brother Malik Hakeem stands at the front gates to this temple. Across the street from the Fellowship Nykkar in the The Sahalarka, The Darkness Passing temple is the official Kelemvor temple of Calimport. The Rogue Temple in the Sahalarka is responsible for the trouble and fingerpointing for misdeeds in the crypt ward being centered upon this Fine Lawful Temple.

The Darkness Passing is led by two priests:

Brother Mis'id Nur is a Knight of the Eternal Order. One of his many great and heroic deeds was defeating the Garthoc’s Cult in the sand ruins 20 Miles north and east of Calimport.

Sister Sara Aliyya is not from these lands. She is a Holy Knight of the Lord of the Dead. She is a strong leader and an outspoken and raw female warrior. Sara, when not in the Darkness Passing Temple, she is often found in the Muzad and other havens around Calimport where any undead foes have been reported.


Grand Ward – (Central Ward) – This ward has the largest and most prominent market area in the entire city.

Ward Ruler: Perat el Zastar, Sultan of Grand Ward

Cajaan Sabban – (Market Sabban) – This Sabban has a wide opne marketplace for bazaar carts and stands to sell all kinds of goods.

Points of Interest:

The Violivery Stables
Pasha Wariq’s Home
Pasha Ozar’s Home

Casajr Sabban – (Stars Sabban) – This Sabban is dominated entertainment and some scholarly trading.

Points of Interest:

Pasha Saralon’s Home
Minaret of the sage Khumal
The Bindery - Dutiful Circle of Binders and Printers.
The Bakkals’ Dial - Sundial

Makista Sabban – (Golden Maidens Sabban) – This is the sabban where you can find expensive luxury items.

Points of Interest:
Pasha Ehmarik’s Home
The Golden Maidens Festhall
The Desert’s Gifthouse - Glassblowers and Bottle-Makers Guild
Shbiinalidajh – Glazier’s Society

Vahlen Sabban – (Meal Sabban) – This Sabban has many inns and restaurants that cater to the rich and powerful.

Points of Interest:

Guidadh’s Gold Inn
The Hufir el Boqariq House
Café Cormyrean
The Samehlariq – Wizards Tower


Jewel Ward – (Central Ward) – This ward is home to gemcutters and whitesmiths. Beneath the jewel ward is the site of more than 60% of Calimport’s illegal weapons and magic trading.

Ward Ruler: Janar yn Janar el Vyrsatyr, Sultan of Jewel Ward

Kalil’s Sabban – (Butcher’s Sabban, Sholehfall Sabban, Vihad Sabban) – This Sabban is known for its finework artist who create ornate weapons and hilts. This is also the place to find weapons disguised as jewelry.

Points of Interest:

The Tycharradah – Temple to Beshaba
Druzir Salim el Khufu’s Home
The Sabbalad Butrys el Alix – Boarding House
The Gilded Lantern – Shining Order of Goldsmiths and Gilders

Mjom Sabban – (The Marriage Sabban) – The dominant businesses in this Sabban trade in silks and jewelry. If you are getting married and want a fine piece of jewelry or silken cloth this is the place.

Points of Interest:

Pasha Abhuk’s Home
House of the Holy Dawn – Temple to Lathander
Aratabarh – Lock and Finesmith’s Guild

Nadana Sabban – (Gem Sabban) – This is primary home of gemcutters and traders. It also has a very large contingent of guards walking the streets for obvious reasons.

Point of Interest:

Four Bezels – Society of Diligent Gemcutter’s
Lupalidah – Jeweller’s Guild
Pasha Yisaemid’s Home
Pasha Khafif’s Home
The Sultanadah Vyrsatyr Rooming Houses


Palace Ward – (Central Ward) – The richest ward and most affluent in the society. Much of the Calimport leadership resides here.

Ward Ruler: Tomuk yn Jhiavor el Kahmir, Sultan of Palace Ward

Darehj Sabban – (Mosaic Sabban) – The residents and businesses here are heavily focused on slave and sea trading. The location of this sabban next to the large Pesarkhal wall(the shackles ward) accounts for these business transactions.

Points of Interest:

Pasha Iserib’s Home
Square of the Djen – Open Courtyard/Meeting Area
Pasha Hidashar’s Home
Plaza of Divine Truth - Temple to Bhaelros (largest Temple)
Pasha Synnabat’s Home
House of the Veil Gizara - Aromatic Order of Perfumists, Apothecarists, and Soap-Makers.

Khatrev Sabban – (Jhambiya Sabban) – This Sabban has a reputation as being an unruly sector where assassinations of dignitaries and others are a regular occurrence.

Points of Interest:
The Silkhanduq - Headquarters of the Jhasinnar Sodality
Pasha Haesib’s Home
Pasha Talaeta’s Home
The Quiver - Council of Bowyers and Fletchers
The Circle’s Ovens - Most Skilled Circle of Cooks and Tasters
Pasha Kahmir’s Home

Najlet Sabban – (The Martyr’s Sabban, Demonshadow Sabban) – A dark red bloodstained section of a street in this area is still visible from a battle fought against a tanar’ri (demon).

Points of Interest:

Pasha Haraf’s Home
Ytal’s Confectioners
Pasha Yshriin’s Home
Cemberyl Stables
The Globe Well – A deep well
Pasha Mitayn’s Home
Witmaanal’s Livery Stables
Keffiyehdah - Most Splendid Order of Tailors.
Pasha Haris’s Home

Pasha’s Sabban – The ruling sabban. There is only one way into this sabban or so 99% of population knows. There are actually many secret passage entries to this area from many wards and sabbans throughout Calimport. There is only 20 buildings total in this area and the greatest defenses of the city ring this sabban. Caleph’s gate is the only way publicly into Pasha’s Sabban.

Points of Interest:

The Qysagghani Fortress – This fortress serves to house and protect the syl-pasha and includes the largest garrison, armory, and library in all of Calimport.


Quill Ward – (Central Ward) – Just north of Wizards Ward is an area of scholars, scribes, and sages. Most of the city administration is performed here and it also has the largest libraries in all of Calimport.

Ward Ruler: Abbas yn Akkabar el Quaahl, Sultan of Quill Ward

Jhaapir Sabban – (Arch Sabban) – Being located in the southeast corner of the ward this sabban just north of the wizards ward many inns and wizard domiciles are found here. This is also the place where you will find the largest suppliers of inks pressed parchment, and treated vellum. Being located in the southeast corner of the ward this sabban

Points of Interest:

The Gallery Majesta – Temple to Deneir
Eli yn Estaar’s Inks – Inks and More (specializes in poisons)
Memnon’s Fingers – Illuminated Guild of Chandlers and Lamplighters
Vimahlydah – Choral Councils Guildhall
Business/Row House: Summarl’s Scrolls and Maps

Hapij Sabban – (Scribe Sabban) – Located in western sector of the quill ward this sabban contains the largest concentration of scriptoriums, libraries, and places of learning in the entire city.

Points of Interest:

The Halruaan Scrivenora – Nonreligious Scriptorium and Scriveners Service
The Imperium Archives Library
The Spell-Lord’s House – Temple to Azuth
The Graven Word - Masterful Order of Clerks, Scribes, and Scriveners

Nasim Sabban – The entire purpose of this sabban is as a biffer between the banging and clanging of the hammer ward to its direct north. Lesser businesses of the quill ward and laborer living quarters are found here.

Points of Interest:

The Sultan’s Library
Home of the Healers – Circle of Physicians and Midwives Guild
Pasha Qoriha’s Home
The Bard’s Wisdom – Private Lending Library and Sages Consortium
Pasha Khaetim’s Home


Wizard Ward – (Central Ward) – The bulk of the citys magical might lives here. Many strange things in this ward including permanent illusions and colorful magical displays.

Ward Ruler: Eli yn Adnan el Beza, Sultan of Wizard Ward – Caleph Arcane of Calimport

Etarad Sabban – (Novice Sabban) – This sabban is where the lower ranking wizards and businesses that support the higher ranking wizards reside.

Point of Interest:

Pasha Daud el Vehmet’s Wizards Tower (Home)
The Loom Halls - Vibrant Order of Dyers and Weavers Guild
The Sphere of Kaatos (Home)

Najja Sabban – (The Auret Sabban) – This Sabban houses the upper caste of wizards. HQ of the Guild Arcane amongst other stately building are within this sabban.

Points of Interest:

Aquas and Azures – Jewelry and Gemcutters shop
The Auret – The Guild Arcane Calimport
Suryvlashadah – Caleph Arcane of Calimport’s Home
The Coiled Quelzarn Wizards Tower

Tarzshaj Sabban – (Magi Sabban) – This sabban is where items are created, enchanted, identified, and in some case destroyed.

Points of Interest:

Eyesafar Hall - Fellowship of Surveyors, Mappers, and Chart-Makers
Caaledar – Married Wizards Oma and Nur Jambiyarcane Home
Tuuramil House – Necromancer’s Training Hall


Caravans Ward – (Port/Outer Ward) – This ward is considered port and outer because of its location east of the hook ward and the eastern outskirts of Calimport. It has the majority of the carters, drovers, stables, and caravan services in Calimport.

Ward Ruler: Pasha Kemar yn Kadadf el Dasanm, Sultan of Caravans Ward

Drakhon Sabban – (Stallions Sabban) – This is a concentration of markets for buying and selling horses and more exotic mounts such as displacer beasts and pegasi.

Points of Interest:

The Veiled Lamia Inn
The Cattlemen’s House - Excellent Drovers, Shepherds, and Animal Handlers Guild
Pasha and Sabbalad Nalihleb’s Home
The Silver Hoof Stables

Pahlemn Sabban– (Oxen Sabban) – Home of cattleyards, slaughterhouses, tanneries, manure pits, and other business tied to the cattle industry.

Points of Interest:

The Wagon House - Order of Skilled Wagonmakers and Coach Builders
Kadar’s Stables
Pasha Dasanm’s Home

Thytos Sabban – (Court Sabban) – A place for caravans and traders to check in their goods.

Points of Interest:

Druzir and Pasha Izayad’s Home
The Costerest - Carters, Coachmen, and Caravans Society
The Nazullah - Trusted Order of Wheelwrights
The Wind-Rider’s Way - Shrine to Shaundakul


Makers Ward – A primarily business ward which resides close to the caravan ward making this ward a prominent business place.

Ward Ruler: Zelmazzar el fiqra, Sultan of Maker’s Ward

Golnar Sabban – (The Builder’s Sabban) – This sabban provides fresh building materials for the city. Carpenter’s, Masons, and others are found here.

Points of Interest:

Bahil-Bakadah - Order of Skilled Coopers and Barrel-Makers Guild
Amlakkhan Jaleh – Protection and Mobsters Amlakkhan
Sadidahjalan - Stonecutters and Masons Guild

Jaleh Sabban – (Saamark Sabban) – Most business here trade in luxury, amenities to soften life, and rare items to indulge anything from a taste of sweets to a passion of antiques.

Points of Interest:

Twelve Reeds House - Basketmakers Guild
Taerako Statuary and Stonework Business

Sojrab Sabban – (Heart’s Joy Sabban) – Artists, sculptors, and those of culture are found in this Sabban.

Points of Interest:

The Brothers Humuz - Nur and Harun el Humuz’s Home
Salehlon’s Carpets – Rug Maker’s Shop
Caster’s Claim – Pewterers and Casters Guild


Calimport Ruler:

Syl-Pasha Ralan el Pesarkhal - The ruler of all Calimshan is not young, though his appearance belies this fact, Born in Manshaka over sixty years ago, Ralan has allowed himself to age in appearance slightly since his ascension to the Caleph's Throne. His long hair, black as night aside from some white along the temples. The syl-pasha is a lean, powerful figure on the throne, a look in sharp contrast to the many fat pashas beneath him (and those syl-pashas that preceded him).
Ward Rulers:

Fahd yn Ralan el Pesarkhal - Fahd yn Ralan el Pesarkhal, Sultan of Armada Ward and Sabbalad of Makista Sabban is the eldest son of Syl-Pasha Pesarkhal at 39 years old. Many of his 12 surviving brothers would covet his sultan’s crown, but Fahd’s ambitions drove him to take control of all the armed forces save the Qysaghanni (who answer only to his father). He is the Syl-Sultan of the Nallojal (navy), the Sadimmin (army), and Farisan (elite forces).

Harun yn Ralan el Pesarkhal - Sultan of Shackles Ward is the ill-tempered seventh child (fourth son) of the syl-pasha and is Pasha of the Slavemasters Circle in his own right.

Uarel yn Petal el Waukeen - Sultan of Faith Ward is a remote, distant man save when he is performing his religions ceremonies. His duties as Sultan, Master of the Counting House, and Pasha of the Guild of Money Lenders, Coinsmiths, and Pawn Brokers do not interfere with his ecclesiastical duties.

Faruk yn Ralan el Pesarkhal - Sultan of Trades Ward, is the twelfth son of the syl-pasha and stands apart from his brothers due to his astonishing rise to power. A mere 18 years of age, Faruk has already conquered two guilds, a large part of the illicit trade in the Muzad, and sits as the sultan of one of the more profitable (if not prestigious) wards of the city.

Nasim yn Nasim el Pesarkhal - Sultan of Emerald Ward is the favored nephew of the syl-pasha by his youngest brother Nasim. The strikingly handsome young man is as brilliant as the prodigy Faruk of Trades Ward, though his tastes remain close to business, not the intrigues of Calimport Below.

Daud yn Daud el Vehmet - Sultan of Khanduq Ward is among the youngest and most inexperienced of the sultans of Calimport. Barely past 20 winters, Daud el Vehmet rules the Spicemonger Fellowship as its pasha, and he is also a rising name among the apothecarists around the city.

Harel yn Rafam el Qardeen - Sultan of Hammer Ward, This former blacksmith and inadvertent savior of Syl-Pasha Ralan el Pesarkhal, Harel simply interrupted an assassination attempt against Ralan during the Darkstalker Wars, throwing red-hot horseshoes and sword blades at the assassins simply because he disliked the odds of seven-against-one.

Muham yn Nasim el Pesarkhal - Sultan of Crypt Ward, is the eldest son of the syl-pasha’s brother Nasim and the elder brother of Sultan Nasim of Emerald Ward. This jealous, petty underachiever was given this post .as a fitting reward for one of your ambitions. In other words, this sultanate merely keeps him out of the way of the syl-pasha and away from those power players who might easily influence him against his uncle.

Tomuk yn Jhiavor el Kahmir - Sultan of Palace Ward is the second grandson of patriarch Nur el Kahmir from Manshaka (and a well-known pasha among the spies of Calimshan). While Sultan Tomuk is an ineffectual fop and a fool, he is paranoid and constantly keeps his grandfather apprised of who says what to him merely to find out what he should do about .his enemies.

Janar yn Janar el Vyrsatyr - Sultan of Jewel Ward, druzir of the Octel Drudach, and the third-highest-ranked member of the Kindly Order of Silversmiths. Most importantly to him, he is Darklord of the Temple of Old Night and is one of three who sits at the side of Irtemara, the Dancer before Dawn and the head of Shar’s temple in the Muzad. He uses his influence above and below to play all elements against each other so he can profit, no matter who wins any conflict.

Perat el Zastar - Sultan of Grand Ward is one of the new money upstarts recently immigrated into Grand Ward from Wizard Ward. One of his greatest weapons is his vizar’s status within the syl-pasha’s court; Perat came from Manshaka with el Pesarkhal, and aided him greatly during the Darkstalker Wars.

Abbas yn Akkabar el Quaahl - Sultan of Quill Ward is a long-time vizar and Pesarkhal loyalist from Manshaka. When the syl-pasha was still learning the earliest intrigues in the court of Pasha Abon Duum, Abbas el Quaahl served as his scribe. When he claimed power in Manshaka after Duum.s disappearance, Abbas rose to become a vizar. The quiet exterior of this small, gaunt Calishite man with a tightly trimmed beard and moustache hides one of the most utterly ruthless souls ever to walk the Pasha’s lands since the days of the Shoon.

Eli yn Adnan el Beza - as Sultan of Wizard Ward and Caleph Arcane of Calimport, controls the most powerful guild and the most powerful real estate in all of Calimport (and perhaps all of Calimshan). Long bald by choice, the sultan is tattooed heavily with magical sigils (from trips to Thay) and other tattoos; he has a rather striking red wyvern arcing from above his left brow around his left ear and its tail running down his neck.

Zelmazzar el Fiqra - Sultan of Maker’s Ward, is among the oldest of any government official across all of Calimshan, as he remains loyal not to any one person but to the Caleph’s Throne.

Batras yn Faruk el Tuladim - Sultan of Dock Ward,. began his rise a dozen years ago as the young 19-year-old druzir of Gamil Drudach. Learning never to draw attention to himself, he played the sniveling sycophant to his sabbalad until he could kill him and divert suspicions elsewhere.

Tahyr yn Ralan el Pesarkhal - Sultan of Hook Ward also answers to the title of Ralbahr of the Nallojal, the commander of the navy with only his elder brother and father to answer above him.

Pasha Kemar yn Kadadf el Dasanm - Sultan of Caravans Ward. This burly bear of a man worked his way through the Mighty Guild of Bouncers, Laborers, and Sellswords and he still sits among them as a senior member and officer. He also rules as the pasha of the Guild of Excellent Drovers, Shepherds, and Animal Handlers, having worked his way through their ranks as well by being the best oxen driver and caravan guard both guilds had ever seen.


Brother Dolmas – (Priest of Ilmater) - This zealous Tethynan priest has left his order in Saradush and moved to Calimport in a small cellar apartment in a row house beneath a rope maker’s shop in the Hook Ward. His personal shrine and mission are for the newly hailed (but not officially sanctioned) St. Asref, the patron saint of the Nadhari free slaves movement here in Calimshan. Brother Dolmus spends his days walking the docks, seeking to aid those in pain and secretly looking for ways to help slaves escape to freedom. He is a personal friend and trusted confident of Fahd yn Ralan el Pesarkhal, sultan of the Armada Ward.

Carseval yn el Rastif – (Priest of Lathander) - is the high morningmaster at the Dawn Bell Towers in the Crypt Ward. A strong man of conviction Carseval has handled many uprisings of rival churches in the past and is always watchful for the next upheaval in the rival faithful of Calimport.

Karah Kreshnool - (Priestess of Lathander) – is the sunrise mistress at the House of the Holy Dawn in the Jewel Ward. Her long flowing hair and fanciful dress hide a very strong and brave warrior of light. She was one of several priests that defeated a plot to kill Syl=Pasha Pesarkhal and the only cleric to survive the onslaught that ensued. She is soft spoken but can be quite the force to be reckoned with. She runs a very tight and proper temple in the Jewel Ward.
Business and Guild Staff:

Kaham el Vizhon – is the son-in-law of the Golden Sands Brewery owner, Tassyn el Effyd. Kaham is the proprietor and barkeeper at the Golden Goblet Tavern in the Trades Wardjust up the street from the brewery. This tavern is the original Golden Sands Brewery tavern. However the brewery now serves taverns all across the continent from Vastonia to Waterdeep. Kaham is loyal always to his father-in-law and reports anything out of the ordinary to him. Being the first tavern along the Trade Roads into Calimport many travelers pass through his doors. Many business dealings from outside Calimport occur inside this tavern and Kaham is always the first to know.

Tassyn el Effyd – is the owner of the Golden Sands Brewery in the Trades Ward. This burly older gentlemen is always extremely busy as his brewery produces more ale, beer, and wine than any single producer in Faerûn. Distilling and other preparations are done in cellars below ground, where the cooler temperatures allow them to create their bubbly lagers that they ship northward through Aurora’s Wholesalers. Tassyn can usually be found somewhere in the brewery complex at all hours of the day or night. He is a hands on supervisor who never leaves his brewing to others. It is this constant supervision that has made the Golden Sands a legend in the brewery business.

Edited by Nym Moondown - 8/4/2008, 14:29
Posted on 5/11/2007, 11:13     Like  

Per i templi mi sono risposto da solo...

The Towers of Fury (Calimport)

The Sorcerer's Hand (Calimport)
The Spell-Lord's House (Calimport)

The Tycharradah (Calimport)

Aurensahldah (Calimport)

The Minarets Muzhadahr (Calimport)

The Gallery Majesta (Calimport)
The Scholar's Priory (Calimport)

Minarets Guardant (Calimport)
The Gauntlet Gaurdant (Calimport)

House of the Bound Hands (Calimport)
The Shine of St. Asref (Calimport)

Palace of the Cresting Winds (Calimport)

Iyachtu Xvim
The Vihaddah Semohl (Calimport)

The Darkness Passing (Calimport)
The Sahalarka (Calimport)
The Seven-Skulled Tower (Isle of Memory, Calimport)

The Imperious Flame (Calimport)

House of the Holy Dawn (Calimport)
The Dawn Belltowers (Calimport)

Aurensahldah (Calimport)

The House of Nine Blessings (Calimport)

The Towers of Fury (Calimport)

Telamuzhidah (Calimport)

The Scholar's Priory (Calimport)

Nualorminoalh (Calimport)
The Scholar's Priory (Calimport)

Lighthouse of the Moon (Calimport)

The Temple of Old Night (Calimport)

The Wind-Rider's Way (Calimport)

Lightning's Tower (Calimport)
The Plaza of Divine Truth (Calimport)
The Towers of Fury (Calimport)

The Arms House (Calimport)
The Beacon of Battle (Calimport)

The Halls of Fortune (Calimport)

The Measure House (Calimport)

The Towers of Fury (Calimport)

Khanduq of the Coinmother (Calimport)
The Coinchapel (Calimport)

The Sahalarka (Calimport)

Festhall of Eternal Delight (Calimport)
Posted on 5/11/2007, 11:49     Like  


Moderatore Globale


Ok appena mi sono ripreso da lucca ed ho un attimo mi attivo...traduco e cerco altro...ho anche un abbozzo dic artina della città (atlante itnerattivo9 ma non è segnato tanto... :( )
icon5   Posted on 7/11/2007, 08:39     Like  

Grazie NYM!!!
Posted on 26/11/2007, 10:15     Like  

Nel testo sopracitato si parla spesso di Sabban... Qualcuno sa di che cosa si tratta? Mi sembra di capire dal testo che è un termine specifico per indicare la suddivisione dei quartieri di Calimport in altre circoscrizioni. Ma non ne sono certo.


Edited by Bubass - 27/11/2007, 11:55
Posted on 27/11/2007, 21:29     Like  


Moderatore Globale


Scusa non sono ancora riuscito a iniziare la traduzione...ma hai aggiunto uno fracasso di roba! Mi ci vorrà davvero un bel po' per terminare :D

Ecco qui la cartina della città cmq...mandatami da Bubass via mail :D


Edited by Nym Moondown - 29/11/2007, 08:09
Posted on 29/11/2007, 17:24     Like  

Ed ecco la risposta finale a tutti i miei quesiti... ci si dovrebbe mettere tutti d'accordo e tornare a giocare con la seconda edizione!!! (M-I-T-I-C-A)

Posted on 29/11/2007, 17:40     Like  


Moderatore Globale


E mi sa che ne mancano... :D
Posted on 30/11/2007, 08:39     Like  

Non sono neppure un decimo di quelli pubblicati... e si compravano per una pipa di tabacco perché non c'era la politica del profitto. Anche in produzione non costavano molto perché non erano cartonati ma con due semplici punti metallici. E giocando con questa edizione sono stati scritti dei romanzi speldidi (vedi i cicli di Dragonlance, Ravenloft e Forgotten Realms). E adesso parlano di quarta edizione con le miniaturine per i bambini brufolosi!!!

Scusate lo sfogo, sono un nostalgico.
Posted on 30/11/2007, 09:30     Like  

Bubass for President!
O almeno, mettetelo a capo della cara vecchia Wiz...
... e Nym come consulente con poteri speciali, mi raccomando!

P.S. = Questa traduzione è una di quelle che aspetto con ansia.
Posted on 30/11/2007, 09:35     Like  


Moderatore Globale


Tra qualche mese metà di quei manuali saranno completamente inutili :(

Per la traduzione potrei inziare questo fine settimana...ma le cose andranno un po' per le lunghe data la mole dei dati :)
Posted on 30/11/2007, 14:14     Like  

meno male che non la penso solo io così... Non sarebbe belloaprire una sezione dedicata alla discussione della quarta edizione in procinto d'arrivo? In altri forum l'hanno fatto, ma io sono affezionato a questo. O forse c'è già e io non l'ho vista...
Posted on 30/11/2007, 14:24     Like  

CITAZIONE (Bubass @ 30/11/2007, 14:14)
meno male che non la penso solo io così... Non sarebbe belloaprire una sezione dedicata alla discussione della quarta edizione in procinto d'arrivo? In altri forum l'hanno fatto, ma io sono affezionato a questo. O forse c'è già e io non l'ho vista...

Regolamento >>> 4th Edition ;)
Posted on 30/11/2007, 14:36     Like  


Moderatore Globale


Al tempo vedremo come prepararci all'arrivo della 4th anche per i forgotten...per ora tutto quello che si sa è riassunto in un topic apposito ^_^
13 replies since 31/10/2007, 13:25   6552 views